Friday, 27 August 2010

For once

I am proud of myself.
I know how much I worked and I feel like it is something I deserved. This is what I was thinking about for all those sloggy months, this is the feeling I wanted.

I got in to my first choice University.
MEANING, I am spending the next 3 years in my favourite place in England and possibly 1 in Canada.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

On the subject of University

I hate it when people think it means nothing to me.
Obviously it does.
The difference is is that I'm not going to sit there and make excuses if I fail. I don't want sympathy. The difference is that if I don't get in, I understand that I only have myself to blame whereas a lot of other people are quite happy to blame anyone and everyone because they're not used to failure. The whole point of it being more difficult is to sort the good from the bad. You need to learn that you wont be pandered to your whole life and maybe you're not as intelligent as what you thought you were. I'm prepared to accept that because I have never presumed mass intelligence in the first place, unlike multiple other people. This doesn't mean I want it less than anyone, it means I'm not deluded as to the difficulty of life.
Get your head out of your arse and stop making juvenile assumptions about me because you're worried all the world's sympathy wont be aimed towards you.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Cannot physically wait to get away from everything, praying in a sick sick fashion that I end up in Scotland.
I will honestly miss two things. Firstly, my Mother. Secondly, my Dog.
Other than that, I can do without.
I am sinking back into you liking me a lot more than what I do you, the end is nigh and I care less and less each day

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


I've always begrudged giving my close friends the satisfaction that they're my number one friend, my best friend. Mainly because I don't trust any of you enough to not hate me in a couple of months - which I dont blame you for. My best friendships have a 1 year expiration date on all of them. My fault I know.
I only exclude one, because I trust that one. And you're all going to think you are that one.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

10 reasons why I am better than you

1.) Pretty sure I don't have an STI.
2.) I'm not a massive pikey
3.) I have standards
4.) I have a befitting sense of fashion
5.) I know what befitting means
6.) I have life prospects
7.) I have Monty
8.) I have an ACTUAL job
9.) I have an ACTUAL car and an ACTUAL license to drive it
10.) My hair is nicer


Monday, 5 April 2010


My favourite Belle de Jour quotes, because she is witty and I wish I was her.

I swear if someone ever got hold of transcripts of my phone calls, they'd probably think I was a - oh wait, I am.
Lets be honest, this is a customer service position, not a self fulfillment odyssey.
All romance is narcicissm.
All men are twats, unless they are paying, in which case they're twats who are paying.
Postgraduate bursaries probably extend far enough for a few piss ups each term, but I doubt they cover a lady of the night.
There is no worse sound than the greedy giggles of a redhead displaying a PDA in juxtaposition with her cleavage
Anal sex is the new black.
A man who suggests his wife grab her ankles and take it like a choirboy was probably courting divorce, or at the very least burnt suppers for a month.


Sunday, 28 March 2010

so whos next
anyone else mental yr gna fuck?


I seem to be attracted to silly amounts of famous people

Lil Wayne
Pharrel Williams
Chris Brown
Ed Mac
Marcus Mumford
Ewan Mcgregor
Jude Law
Gerard Butler
Jack O Connell
Billy Zero
Prince Harry
Gerard Way
Ed Westwick

I will update this at a further date.

Saturday, 27 March 2010


I dont remember what the post on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 was about, I have an average idea.
Okay so I know exactly what it's about.
But I forget that I make secret post's because writing makes me feel better, basically becoming my own best friend. How sad.
I like how I write when I am angry. I find substance romantic?

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


My chav side is coming out, I am embracing it.
The new Euphoria 2010 "a decade of trance" album is a need.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Me? Maybe?

Im trying to decide on the fundamental characteristics of me.

Well one is definately that I operate better at night.
That I love the cold? And get frustrated at anything above 0 degrees.
That I can never ever make decisions, even about pizza toppings (ask George).
I can't say no to anything or anyone.
I love arguing, it is my most favourite thing in the world.

That is basically it I suppose.
I'm not very interesting.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Endless vowes, right?

So I did this last year, but it was mainly formed with Miranda July's idea's, just because they sounded better than mine and I dont like writing about stuff I actually care about. Only things I hate. Human flaw, we deal we deal.
A list of things I want to get rid of this year? Maybe. A list of things I have always wanted? maybe. They are small but maybe attainable, realistic. Definately not a new years resolution. Esp. not in March.

I would like to keep :
a.) This new found confidence and belief in that what I am doing is right.
b.) Current organisation skills.
c.) Feel-good friends.

I would like to get rid of:
a.) People that don't like what I am doing, because I am convinced I am right. Right? So get over it or leave. CBA YOU'RE PATRONISATION.
b.) Underwear I no longer like but wear because its "comfy"

I would like to gain:
a.) Lots of new underwear.
b.) A cupboard of mainly designer shoes
c.) Another Long term see-er.
d.) Endless experiences in the strange and wonderful.


For 2010
ELO - Evil woman.

Friday, 26 February 2010

I will keep this going

Nothing is happening, other than what I tell you secretly. I am equally as uninteresting.
Doomed to lose more friends this year, its wrong that that excites me right?
No longer scared of change, have I ever been. Not really.

Things that make me angry

The list of things that make me angry

a.) Ignorance
b.) People from Clack sixth form adding me on facebook, bore off I dont know you.
c.) People singing songs that I deem my songs e.g Example - wont go quietly, or if any of you catch on to Louis I will slit your throat. No lie.
d.) Arrogance, especially undeserved arrogance.
e.) Anyone under the age of 17 - nobody cares about you. I didnt care about me when I was that age. So stop telling facebook all your problems and expecting people to ACTUALLY care.
f.) Stingy people.
g.) People that take liberties.
h.) Anyone on EMA, get a job like the rest of us.
i.) Anyone that reads fiction and thinks it is good. Stop filling your head with bull shit and actually do something productive.
j.) Multiple faced people. Chances are, I dont care what you think about me, but at least have the common decency to say it to my face so I can return the favour.
k.) People that live in Topshop.
l.) People that catch on to things a month late and announce them all over various social networking/blogging sites in a desperate attempt to seem original.
m.) Your desperate attempts to be skinny, babe. Youve got the body of a 8 year old and the face of a 45 year old. Its not pretty.
n.) People thinking they're smarter than me. You might be, but it doesn't give you a right to talk down to me.
o.) Anyone that thinks they can out argue me. You cant.
p.) Sandip
q.) Feeling the need to bend over backwards for friends that never have and never will return the favour.
r.) When people refer to monty as agressive. My dog is complex.
s.) Vegeterians - We'll save that for another day.
t.) Tumblr.
u.) The entire male species are shit and inferior.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


sp00n says:
well who is your favourite person?
You and I'm not lying

That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, even if he didn't mean it.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Coping strategies

You know it has happened too much when you have built in coping strategies to try and help you deal with it.
This being one of them.
I wish I'd kept the plug in. The air was cleaner with the plug in. But I re-filled the sink and let the plug out, and now putting the plug back in just adds to everything already in my u-bend. I need a plumber.
The fact that it bothers me, bothers me. Knowing that it's not going to just go away makes it worse. Because its dragged the scum back up, the shit. All the fucking shit.