Sunday, 24 May 2009

Richard Smith

now reminds me of this.
Should stop putting youtube clips as blog posts. Really uninterested at the moment because :(

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Bored, Favourite films from "childh00d" excluding Disney.
The Mice were the best in Babe :)

Yeah.The Green toxic slime was scary.

Everyone used to watch Land Before Time!
Released in 1984 - but I used to watch splash ALOT.

Andre was actually just really sad!

This actually used to scare me so much, but was SO GOOD, and I forgot about it until now. Currently downloading :)
I obviously used to watch many more films as a child but I couldn't be bothered to find the pictures e.g E.T, Home Alone, Matilda, Witches and other various abominations such as the My Little Pony Movie (://!)

Meet you at the statue in an hour
I love Belle and Sebastian :) Piazza New York Catcher!
It's even better that they're from Glasgow.

Elope with me Miss Private and we’ll drink ourselves awake

Monday, 11 May 2009

Ghost Whisperer

I don't watch it but I really like the song on the advert, I was pretty sure it was Brendon Urie. The snippet on the advert sounds like him anyway - But it's actually by DeVotchka and is really "nice" :) Like, aqualung nice.

Saturday, 9 May 2009


I haven't a clue/what to do
about fifty six/Forget politics
It's all a matter/ of life & theft
Dont you flatter/Yourself you left
with the key/ To democracy.
Protect me!/Oh, Liberty!
we all cower
Our tyrant/Is a sycophant
to POWer
P0wer for the sake of power
IF we aQUIesce /We're in a mess
We'll quiver and quail/for what we haven't done
In that jail/ it aint no fun
They fill the skies/ up with their lies
Now if WE dont fight/cos they're sellin us fear
Our basic right/ will disappear
I haven't a clue etc...

If you know where this is from you are officially my favourite person ever.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Massive Fail

I forgot that I'd known Luke for two years on Monday, my bad. He didn't seem to care though - I don't think he remembered :)
And Robert Clack presentation evening was epic shamblzz. The Mayor of Barking and Dagenham fell asleep, we got him on camera.
Nothing of vital importance has happened for a while, saying this I bet my next blog post is titled "r gotz me some SWINE FLU."

Oh but it did make me lol that we literally JUST pulled into the school car park and some woman went storming up to the car in front and started having a full blown row with the driver "WOT R U 25?! YOU CANT DRIVE LIKE THAT!!!!!!" I'm pretty sure that as I turnt my back..they wrestled.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Is a nice name & Adam Leggy is mega lol. Sex, bleach and nosebleeds. Tells the best stories does our kid.

&Today, I got told I looked like a naked Daniel Radcliffe, I was wearing the horse dress and penis necklace. Apparently if you group them both together you get Mr HP himself.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

My most favourite song ever

Yesterday and Tommorow

I will see Katie Carla and Chloe for the first time in at least a month. I am a bad bad friend.
But I did discover LULU&RED yesterday. Australian boutique in Westfields. I got my "crazy" high-waisted leggings from there, I honestly need an evaluative oppinion on them - I really like them but they look like a lorna special :/
They also had red high heeled Vivienne Westwood jellies, THEY R SO NAICE. If I wore jellies and could permenanty walk in heels they would have been maaain. I didn't think £70 was too bad for them either.
It made me miss all things westwood (except that old man who claims to be some form of rap producer.) so I've ordered one of her pearl necklaces and some gold earrings ;)
This was pointless, I haven't even started revising yet. I swear I have like..a week now :/



I feel all fifteen again, I'm listening to CoCo Rosie, Patrick Wolf and Roykskopp. Wearing T-shirts with horses and patchwork leggings.

I'll just blame the swine flu.

My Will

Icreated a Will.EGAD.

Mother - I leave to you my age.
Father - I leave to you my fully functioning back.
Monty - The bed I own at my time of death.
Olive - Any salad or water I have about my person at my time of death.

Beverly Wilson - I leave to you all my anger. I feel you will put it to good use.

Jemma from law - My feather dress - just because you claimed it.

Hannha Essex - My handwriting, My one Doctor Who DVD (Doomsday), My Star Wars t-shirt, My argumentative skills and persistance in order for you to use them against Jess, Any Oreo's I may have on me at my time of death, 2 ipod nano's and one perm kit.

Chesney - I leave to you my signed version of "My Booky Wook"

Neena - I leave to you my unused Palmers Planner.

Keely Dobson - I leave you any Car or motor vehicle I own at my time of death.

Stewart Albert - I leave to you my lack of common sense, use it wisely.

Adam Smallbone - I leave you the bent Oyster card that is in my room, I know it will come to good use in your hands. I am actually being serious.

Richard&Ronald - I leave you anything slightly related to Death Note I may own.

Aisha Brady - I leave to you all my Boosh DVD's and the mighty book of boosh. My Tracey Fragments and Fight Club DVD, 1/2 of what I dont give to Richard that I may currently own ;) , My 3 Bloc Party CD'S, and Blink - the power of thinking without thinking.

Richard Smith - I leave to you the other half of what I don't give to Aisha.

Clelia Allen - I leave to you all my Miranda July books, Secret Diart of a Call girl and the God delusion. My A* in R.E and my health and safety knowledge.

Lucy Golding - I leave to you the rest of that scummy vodka, My 02 wristband, Killers CD's, one perm kit and my sarcasm to be used generously against John Gordon.

Daniel&Daniel - I leave to you's my miraculous medicine and all it's healing powers and my glasses on the gold chain.

Ben withasecondname - I leave you all my bra's.

Jaymie Lee Tapsell - I leave to you my future earnings and my copy of Playhouse Creatures - Seeing as you've lost yours.

Ellie Byford - I leave to you my lips and the shares in my tortoise.John Gordon - I leave you nothing.

Katie Anderson - I leave you all my high heels, My colourful trainers (They were in high demand) My links bracelet, My tiffanys bracelet, My penis necklace, The collage I made of us two that you are yet to receive, My (by then) poisoned liver and the Teddy you bought me for Christmas. And my shares in Monty.

Carla Fletcher - I leave to you all my other GCSE's (excluding the A* in R.E that Clelia owns) Hoochie, My fully functioning eyeballs, All my natural insulin and my hair - then you can have white girl hair. And if you ever were to need them, you have the right to my hands and feet.

Chloe Wallin - I leave to you my lamp that you chipped two years ago, My teddy you can draw on (nugget) All my signed books from Disney Land in Florida and all my collectible Disney badges.

Luke Callaghan - I leave to you my Cure greatest hits albumn, The tiger and polar bear figures, Two Louis XIV guitar picks and your gold hot pants back.

Laura Coughlan - I leave you any art supplies I own at my time of death and my grey pointy shoes.

Molly Whitelock - I leave to you the box of things from infants and juniors I have, most of which are drawings I did of you.

I'm not sure what I own, but if you can think of anything else then you're welcome to it.It will work on a first come first-served basis.