Friday, 26 February 2010

I will keep this going

Nothing is happening, other than what I tell you secretly. I am equally as uninteresting.
Doomed to lose more friends this year, its wrong that that excites me right?
No longer scared of change, have I ever been. Not really.

Things that make me angry

The list of things that make me angry

a.) Ignorance
b.) People from Clack sixth form adding me on facebook, bore off I dont know you.
c.) People singing songs that I deem my songs e.g Example - wont go quietly, or if any of you catch on to Louis I will slit your throat. No lie.
d.) Arrogance, especially undeserved arrogance.
e.) Anyone under the age of 17 - nobody cares about you. I didnt care about me when I was that age. So stop telling facebook all your problems and expecting people to ACTUALLY care.
f.) Stingy people.
g.) People that take liberties.
h.) Anyone on EMA, get a job like the rest of us.
i.) Anyone that reads fiction and thinks it is good. Stop filling your head with bull shit and actually do something productive.
j.) Multiple faced people. Chances are, I dont care what you think about me, but at least have the common decency to say it to my face so I can return the favour.
k.) People that live in Topshop.
l.) People that catch on to things a month late and announce them all over various social networking/blogging sites in a desperate attempt to seem original.
m.) Your desperate attempts to be skinny, babe. Youve got the body of a 8 year old and the face of a 45 year old. Its not pretty.
n.) People thinking they're smarter than me. You might be, but it doesn't give you a right to talk down to me.
o.) Anyone that thinks they can out argue me. You cant.
p.) Sandip
q.) Feeling the need to bend over backwards for friends that never have and never will return the favour.
r.) When people refer to monty as agressive. My dog is complex.
s.) Vegeterians - We'll save that for another day.
t.) Tumblr.
u.) The entire male species are shit and inferior.