My attempt at "selling myself."
My Personal Statement by Hollie Walker Age 17 and 10/12
My name is Hollie and I have a dog. He licks windows. You should accept me for this course because I will actually drink loads and when I am drunk I become alsmost like a guru, handing out spiritual guidance like chlamydia. (I don't have chlamydia) This I feel is vital for the studo of philosophy. (Not chlamydia)
I like to draw
I went to Mexico once and realised they all look like The Simpsons. So I would like to go abroad in the 3rd year.Just not to Mexico.Thanks.
I first became interested in philoshopy when I visited Greece in the summer of '69. I didn't erally, but this shows you my budding wit and poor sentence structure. Also that I lie alot.
I sound autistic. I am not.
I work for Marks and Spencers, they taught me good customer service and also that if you throw a potato at someones will get the sack.
Thanks in advance for the unconditional.